To benefit from PubWarn’s service, you must first be a member of the system. Admins will enable you to become a member of the system. There are two admins defined in the system, one is a customer and the other is a system admin. The system admin has all the privileges. The customer admin is defined to the application by the system admin. The customer admin can create users and groups. The customer admin determines the authority of all users ranging from adding a new user to creating alarms. After these users are created by the customer admin and their authorizations are defined, they log in as members. Password and contact information are entered while creating the user to log in. Users can change these passwords later. Users defined in the system can see the interface of the application after entering the necessary information. There are many commands in this interface. Users can use many commands within the limits of their authority. The customer admin can assign more than one role and label to the users while creating a user. He/She can create new roles and labels. There are roles, labels and user groups to completely simplify work arrangements. In addition, the existing alarm channels cannot be changed. However, which ones to use is entirely up to the user. It is given to the users who will create the alarms to choose the channels in terms of ease of use and preference. Performing all these commands is very simple with PubWarn’s easy-to-use interface.